Tuesday, February 3, 2009

52in09 Week 3: bash builtins grab bag

This post has been migrated to http://caseybrant.com/2009/02/03/bash-builtins.html


J said...

Great post! Now that I know pushd and popd cd is a thing of the past!

JoAnne Geigner said...

Are you writing these posts with me in mind? Just yesterday I was doing a forehead plant on my keyboard trying to navigate around my system. There's only so many times I can call mongoose with a "hey, how do you..." Now, I have your blog to check first for all my UNIX needs. :) Thank you sir, may I have another? How about pushd/popd?

cjb said...

Glad to hear it's helpful!! It's funny that what I thought was my worst one so far is actually the most useful :)